Tag: Motivation

  • 5 Yoga Classes You MUST Try Now.

    Hello there, future and current Yogis. As a long-time Yoga teacher. I often hear people say “ I want to try Yoga but I’m not flexible” or “I want to try Yoga but I’m not good at it”. To which I respond “ But that’s exactly why you SHOULD do Yoga”. In my humble opinion,…

  • why you feel so alone: a breakdown of the loneliness epidemic.

    Is There Anybody Out There???? If you type in the sentence “I have no friends” on your YouTube browser, you will be instantly flooded with thousands, if not millions of videos featuring people from all across North America, all ages, races, sexual orientation, single, married, in relationships with one thing in common…… They feel desperately…

  • My 3 favourite breath techniques to increase motivation and improve alertness.

    What is free? Surrounds you? Has the power to help you distress and strengthen your core? If you guessed air, you got it!  Implementing simple breathing techniques into your daily health routine can increase alertness, calm the nervous system down and increase creativity, here are 3 powerful breathing exercises and how to do them: Use…