Words in Flight: Fitness, Wellness, Mental Health and Everything in Between.

  • Boost Your Fitness Routine with High Intensity Interval Training

    Boost Your Fitness Routine with High Intensity Interval Training

    You’ve been HIIT by, you’ve been struck by, high intensity intervals: Why you MUST try a HIIT workout now. So what is HIIT you may ask? It stands for High Intensity Interval Training. To simplify the definition, you perform a vigorous movement for a short period of time, followed by a short recovery. A great…

  • Exercise Tips and Tricks for Healthy and Strong Obliques.

    Obliques are the 2 pillars that hold up our castle. So what are the oblique muscles and why is it important to keep strong and healthy obliques? Why do I love oblique movements so much? For one thing, it is fun to say obliques. Go ahead, try it, obliques. On a serious note.The oblique muscle…

  • 5 Reasons Why Yin Yoga Is the Rebel Of Fitness Land.

    I  bet that melting into a passive stretch for 1 to 8 minutes is not what comes to mind when you think about optimising your fitness plan. Yin Yoga is the rebel of fitness on so many different levels. It is the opposite of most yoga and fitness classes out there and in my humble…

  • 6 Ways to Destroy Writer’s Block Now.

    Oh writer’s block, how I loathe thee. Blogers, copywriters, poets, students, novolists, reporters. Writers of all walks of life experience the little goblin known as writer’s block at one time or another.  According to the dictionary, writer’s block is “The condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with…

  • 5 Yoga Classes You MUST Try Now.

    Hello there, future and current Yogis. As a long-time Yoga teacher. I often hear people say “ I want to try Yoga but I’m not flexible” or “I want to try Yoga but I’m not good at it”. To which I respond “ But that’s exactly why you SHOULD do Yoga”. In my humble opinion,…

  • why you feel so alone: a breakdown of the loneliness epidemic.

    Is There Anybody Out There???? If you type in the sentence “I have no friends” on your YouTube browser, you will be instantly flooded with thousands, if not millions of videos featuring people from all across North America, all ages, races, sexual orientation, single, married, in relationships with one thing in common…… They feel desperately…

  • 3 Best sounds for better COncentration deeper sleep and maximum creativity.

    I have always been fascinated by the power of sound, the way a particular song can change your state of mind instantly, the way the sound of rain can soothe and yet bring up bottled up emotion, how the sound of a bird singing can put a smile on your face or how the sounds…

  • 5 Must do Yoga poses for better, deeper and longer sleep.

    In our society we seem to have a somewhat disfunctional relationship with sleep and rest in general. We pride ourselves on drinking 12 cups of coffee and staying up all night cramming in a last minute project. When people make New Years Resolutions, their list often includes, more exercise, quitting smoking or eating heathier but have…

  • How ADHD is a Superpower: Embracing a Neurodivergent mind.

    Ever since I was a little girl growing up in Poland, I experienced rejection, humiliation and being misunderstood  by teachers and other children. I recall being instructed to draw a picture of anything we wanted in first grade and watching all the other kids scribble away images of houses, dogs, cats, and whatever story spilled…

  • 4 Reasons why you must try a Barre workout and why you will fall in love with it.

    It is time for you to raise the Barre! Pun intended. Maybe you are a seasoned weight lifter, yogi, Pilates lover or dedicated runner, maybe you are brand new to the world of fitness. Either way you are guaranteed to enrich your life both physically, mentally and emotionally. Now you are probably asking, what the…

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